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Personalized Services. Connecting across Cultures.

Topics in Diversity and Inclusion

Understanding the diversity of your team

We provide a wide array of topical presentations on hot button issues that help participants eliminate cultural misunderstanding and conflict among diverse groups. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.

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Work With Experts

Our trainings allow participants to engage in extensive discussions through intentional group activities designed with your organization's needs in mind.  We aim to not only increase your groups knowledge and skills, but also demonstrate how stakeholders can apply what they have learned to foster sustainable change. 


Based on the needs of your group, we can offer our trainings in a variety of formats including lectures, workshops, and dialogues.

Scroll down further for a list of our most popular trainings!

Strategic Planning

Achieve Your Goals

With years of experience facilitating countless strategic planning projects, we are ready to take your organization to the next level. At Inclusion Consultant Network LLC., we combine our insights on how to increase cultural competency and develop inclusive practices to transform your projects, processes, and in turn your organization. We are proud to help shape your organization's role as a leader in inclusive practices.



Hear their story

Need a dynamic speaker for your next event? We have multiple consultants who are experiences speakers will researched in inclusion trends across a variety of industries. Book a speaking engagement with one of our experts today!

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of services. Email us today to learn more!

Sample Trainings

Below is a brief overview of our most requested trainings. We are also happy to connect with you and develop a customized training that meets your organization’s specific needs.

How Unconscious Bias Impacts Your Work:
Everyone has bias. When we use it to make decisions, it can have an impact on our work environment in ways we may not be aware of. This session explores unconscious bias and looks at how multiple industries have assessed and problem-solved unconscious bias issues in their industries. We build trust with participants so that they feel comfortable assessing issues in specific processes within their purview. Participants create action plans with tangible steps to implement change for themselves, their departments and their organizations as a whole.

Generations in the Workplace:
This session looks at a critical topic facing employers today: Generational differences.  In workplaces across the country, there are multiple generations trying to live, work, and play together without always understanding each other’s lens.  With more generations in the workplace than ever before, generational issues in communication can be a significant barrier.  In this session, we address common generational issues and how we can all support and hear one another in our versions of inclusion and understanding. 

Cross Cultural Communication:
In corporations, institutions of higher education and community organizations alike, today's climate calls for competency and fluency, sensitivity and awareness. This workshop unpacks ways in which you can prepare and improve your agency's competency in handling complicated issues that may directly impact stakeholders, employees and your brand. Participants will have an opportunity to develop active listening skills to become more self-aware in their communication with others. 

Surviving vs. Thriving in the workplace:
This workshop explores how micro-behaviors at all stages of the employee experience (from interviewing to onboarding) can impact who thrives and who opts out of your organization. Specifically, participants will gain awareness and skills on how affirmation, sponsorship, and mentoring impact one's leadership development within your organization.

Retaining Women Leaders:
This session evaluates the trend of women opting out from upper level management positions in multiple industries.  This workshop explores concepts of unconscious bias in the workplace that can impact organizational culture and convey inequity to women throughout the organization.  The session also will convey ways for organizations to remedy their own environments and assist in building a culture where women will choose to opt in. 

Contact us today so we can start solving problems together.

Services: Testimonials

©2017 by Inclusion Consultant Network LLC. Proud minority & women owned business

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